

1. To help the deprived groups in their adaptation and adjustment of changes in community and society.
2. To assist the deprived groups to handle the problems on employment, accommodation and living.  
3. To assist the deprived groups to identify and utilize available community resources
4. To assist the deprived groups to build the supportive networks and to strengthen their capability of self-reliance and mutual aid
5. To advocate for the policies that are beneficial for the service users, to empower the deprived groups in the community so that they can have full development opportunities


1. General public in the districts
2. Deprived groups


1. Personal Counselling
2. Family Counselling
3. Employment Support Services
4. Temporary Accommodation
5. Children Services
6. Elderly Services
7. Family Support Services
8. Community Care
9. Community Educations

Service and Activities: 
